Alternative Therapies That Relieve Chronic Back Pain

Chiropractic Littleton colorado, Chiropractor lower back pain Lakewood
Consistent back pain can make your life pretty miserable. Whether it is a chronic pain condition or muscle spasms or shooting pains from a sciatic nerve, pain can sideline you from your work and day to day activities. Back pain, especially lower back pain is pretty common. Eight out of ten people suffer from back pain at some point in your life. 

When it comes to treating back pain, a majority of the people often receive unnecessary and excessive treatment for relieving back pain. Chiropractic care is a holistic approach that helps treat back pain. Visit chiropractic in Littleton Colorado to start your treatment today. Here are some alternative treatment therapies that help manage pain.


Acupuncture is one of the best ways to relieve lower back pain. Acupuncture is an adjunct treatment both for acute and chronic back pain. In this treatment method, tiny needles are inserted in specific points of the body that help relieve back pain. 
This practice believes that the pain in our body is a result of the blocked energy along the meridians of the body and acupuncture needles help release this energy.


Many people have found deep tissue massage to be effective for their back pain but there isn’t enough evidence to back the fact. Massage may provide relief from muscle spasms but it is often considered as a mode of temporary relief from pain. You can use massage therapy along with other alternative therapies to get relief from back pain.

Chiropractic treatment

Chiropractic care is a much sought after form of alternative treatment in the present day. Chiropractic adjustments and manipulation have found to have significantly reduced back pains in a vast number of patients. A licensed chiropractor for lower back pain in Lakewood can help you treat the conditions of chronic back pains and acute back pains.

Yoga and pilates

There is a mountain of evidence that yoga and pilates help treat conditions like back pain. Both include physical exercises and stretching that works on the musculoskeletal system and helps relieve pain while also improving the overall health of the body.
When you are suffering from lower back pain try doing the exercises 3 to 4 times a week or if possible try to work up an hour in the day when you can practice yoga. 


If you live a sedentary lifestyle then you are prone to getting back pains. Staying active and moving your body in the form of regular exercise is a good way to counter back pain. Also, keep your body active while at work. If you sit at a desk then stand up and stretch from time to time or walk around a bit to work your stiff muscles.
If possible start a walking program and make it a point to walk a specific amount of steps every day so that your body is always active even when you do not get the time to workout.

Herbal remedies

Some holistic doctors are of the opinion that herbal remedies can help treat lower back pain, although there is not enough evidence to back the fact. There are many herbal remedies in use in the market in the present day like capsaicin cream, a type of cream a type of cyan pepper that is applied to the back. It prevents the pain signal from reaching the brain. The extract of white willow has shown similar effects as that of aspirin.
Devil’s claw, another herb has been found to help cure osteoarthritis and can be taken in the form of tablets, capsules or liquids.

Mind based treatments

Mind based treatments like controlled breathing help relax the muscles and the entire body and thus help ease any chronic and long term pain condition. Progressive relaxation is another technique that involves tightening and relaxing specific muscles in order to release pain in the area. Meditation is another method of releasing pain and is considered as a mindfulness-based stress reduction.


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