Tips To Keep Factory Employees Safe During COVID-19 Lockdown
While many factories across the globe have suspended operations or shut down due to the pandemic, many factories involved in manufacturing essentials like food and medicines continue to operate. If your operation is still running, then you need to take precautions to protect your workforce from coronavirus so that it will be back to its full potential when the lockdown ends. Precautions usually involve enforcing personal hygiene, social distancing, sanitizing equipment (like a used capsule filling machine ), etc. You can refer to the guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) to set your guidelines. Keeping Manufacturing Staff Safe From Coronavirus Keep Non-Essential Staff Offsite Some of your staff members like your in-house digital marketing team don’t need to be on the factory site and can work from home. Make a list of essential processes that can happen offsite and make sure that the people involved have the equipment required to work fr...