Non-Surgical Approaches For The Treatment Of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid is a condition where the tissues and blood vessels in the rectal area become swollen. This condition is often followed by symptoms like itching, burning sensation, pain, bleeding and in extreme cases prolapse. Hemorrhoids do not need surgical removal until it is extremely severe and you can soothe the symptoms with over the counter medications like ointments and hemorrhoid wipes in case of mild hemorrhoids. Sometimes your doctor may also suggest other non-surgical methods of removing hemorrhoids. Here is a list of the non-surgical methods of removing hemorrhoids. Over the counter medications There are many over the counter medications available for hemorrhoid treatment, which you can administer yourself for the treatment of hemorrhoids. This includes hemorrhoid creams, ointments, tucks, and wipes. - Creams and ointments There are many hemorrhoids creams and ointments available in the market. Most of these creams contain Phenylephrine that...