HVAC Maintenance Tips: How To Prepare It For Spring

With the weather turning warmer during the spring, you will need to prepare your HVAC in Port St. Lucie to keep the house cool and pleasant. But many homeowners wait until the first week of summer before doing something about their system because the weather may still be pleasant in their county. You need to take action even if the weather this season is cool so that your system is ready for summer. You can start by scheduling maintenance to tune-up your system. You also need to clean a few parts like the filters and vents. You may also need to upgrade a few components.

Tips To Prepare HVAC For Spring

Set Thermostat

As the weather gets warmer, you might want to start by setting your thermostat to cool your room. But don’t set it to the lowest temperature. You won’t need it because the weather is still more pleasant than during summers. Set it to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (approx. 24 degrees Celsius). This way, you can keep your house cool without spending too much on electricity.

Call Maintenance

It’s important to schedule an AC repair in Palm City twice a year for your system. Once during the last weeks of autumn to prepare it for winter and once during the first weeks of spring to prepare it for summer. Professionals can find minor issues with the system and fix them before they become major.

Replace/Clean Filters

Air filters are responsible for preventing dust particles from entering and damaging the system but the dust clogs the filters and blocks the airflow. You should clean or replace your air filters once every month or three depending on the manufacturer’s instructions.

Clean Vents

Vents are also important for spreading the air throughout the house. They tend to collect dust during the winter that may block the airflow or reduce its quality. Clean the vents with the help of a vacuum cleaner.

Clean Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit tends to collect dirt, debris and snow during the winter. You should clean it to make sure it functions properly. Turn off the system before you start cleaning it. Use a water hose with low pressure to wash its fins. You should also clear the area around the unit of grass and leaves to prevent them from getting into the unit.

Check AC Pad

The outdoor AC pad may sink into the soil and tilt the unit causing the pipes to come loose and cause leakage. If you notice that the pad is tilting and has puddles below then install the unit on firmer ground.

Seal Ducts

Cracks in ductwork can cause twenty to thirty percent of the air to leak. You should check your ductwork for gaps and seal them. You may need to hire professionals to check ductwork behind the walls.

Call Pest Control

Pests tend to take shelter in ductwork or outdoor units during the winter to stay warm. If you notice a pungent smell coming from your system then you should call pest control to find and exterminate the pests.

Check Drainpipe

Check if your condensate pipe connects with the drainpipe. If they don’t then the condensate from the system may leak in your basement and cause mold to grow. Call professionals to tune up your HVAC in Port St. Lucie.

Upgrade Thermostat

You should consider upgrading your thermostat for better control over your system. Smart thermostats allow you to control the HVAC with your smartphone as long as you have an internet connection. You can also program the thermostat to turn the system off or change the temperature at certain times.

Shut Water Supply To Humidifier

You don’t need humidity during the spring so shut the water supply to your humidifier until autumn.

Upgrade HVAC

Most air conditioning systems last up to fifteen years by design. Some may last up to twenty years. If your system is older than fifteen years then you should consider upgrading it to save on AC repair in Palm City. You may also need an upgrade if your system uses Freon. Check the new system’s energy-efficiency and capacity before installing it.


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