
Showing posts with the label hemorrhoid

Different Types of Hemorrhoid Surgery and Their Purposes!

Hemorrhoid surgery helps to remove the swollen blood vessels formed inside or around the anus and rectum. Doctors generally refer to these swollen vessels as hemorrhoids. Other over-the-counter medicines and hemorrhoid wipes are widely available which helps to reduce hemorrhoid pain . Purpose of Hemorrhoid Surgeries: Hemorrhoids popularly called piles are the veins inside or around the anus and lower rectum that have become inflamed over time and require surgeries or proper treatments to get healed. There are broadly two types of hemorrhoids, depending on their location. External hemorrhoids are formed under the skin of the anus, whereas internal hemorrhoids form within the lining of the anus and lower rectum. In many cases, hemorrhoids occur without symptoms and people barely notice them. Whereas in other cases, the symptoms can be uncomfortable and may require treatment. The symptoms of external hemorrhoids can include: Itching around the anus Pain around the anus, par...