Perform These Exercises Regularly To Fix Your Body Posture

It doesn’t matter whether you are sleeping, sitting or standing, you need to maintain a good body posture to utilize your muscles properly. A bad posture can weaken your ligaments and muscles and make you vulnerable to body aches. Unfortunately, maintaining a good posture is easier said than done because these days we tend to slouch all the time during work hours and free time. Fortunately, you can always consult a chiropractor in Denver to find the best ways to fix your posture. In many cases, they might suggest exercising. Exercise strengthens your muscles and ligaments, which makes it easier for you to maintain your posture

Exercises For Good Body Posture

Mountain Pose

The mountain pose is a simple yoga pose called tadasana. It’s ideal for improving body posture because it focuses on proper body alignment and incorporates the principles of good posture. You need to stand up straight with your feet hip-width apart, thighs squeezed together and your weight distributed through your feet. Drop your shoulders down and back to bring your chest forward. Bring your arms to your sides with palms facing forward. Inhale and exhale slowly in this pose for some time.

Shoulder Blade Squeeze
It’s a sitting exercise that a chiropractor in Denver may suggest if you have a desk job. You just need to sit on a chair with your arms relaxed by your sides. Then you need to squeeze your shoulder blades together without raising them. Hold them in position for eight seconds before relaxing. Repeat the steps five times to complete the set. You should perform the sets three to four times a day.

A plank is a good exercise to strengthen your core, back, hamstring, glutes and shoulders. This will improve your body’s alignment if you do it properly. Get down on your hands and knees with your hands aligned with your shoulders and knees aligned with your hips. Straighten your legs to form a straight line with your body. Keep your chest open and your shoulders back. Maintain this pose for thirty seconds. You can increase the duration as it gets easier.

Chin Tucks
If you’re consulting a doctor to fix your text neck, then they may suggest chin tucks for a chiropractic posture in Denver. While sitting, look ahead and bring your back like you do when making a double chin. Do not tilt your head down while doing this exercise. Hold the position for eight seconds before relaxing. Repeat it five times to complete one set and repeat the sets three to four times a day.

Child Pose
Another simple yoga pose, it lengthens your back and opens your hips. You can use this as your resting position during your yoga or stretching routine. You need to get down on your hands and knees. Then lean your body backward while keeping the hands in place until your head touches the ground, arms make a straight line and buttocks touch your heels. Hold the pose for one to three minutes.

Chest Stretch
Also called Brugger’s position of relief, it’s a simple sitting exercise to fix your pose. Sit on the edge of your chair with your legs slightly wider apart than your shoulders, palms facing upwards and chest lifted. Hold the pose for twenty to thirty seconds. Repeat it three or four times a day.

Trapezius Stretch
Another sitting pose that you can try at home or your desk job. You just need to bring your right ear to your right shoulder. You can use your arms to place more pressure to hold the pose for twenty to thirty seconds. Repeat it thrice or four times throughout the day.

These are just some exercises that you should perform regularly to fix your posture. You also need to be conscious about how you sleep, sit, stand and walk. You can consult a chiropractor for advice on good chiropractic posture in Denver.


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