Some Tips To Deal With Hemorrhoids While At Office

Anorectal cream, Hemorrhoid cream
Depending on your office policies and how serious your condition is, you may or may not get sick leave for piles. Piles or hemorrhoids are swollen veins along the rectal region’s mucus lining that can be painful, itchy and uncomfortable. In most cases, hemorrhoids are small, limited to a certain region and go away after a few weeks. You can cure them with hemorrhoid cream, wipes, etc. that you can find over the counter. You can manage hemorrhoid flare-ups while going to the office by taking care of your health.

How To Deal With Piles At Office

Carry Hemorrhoid Wipes

Toilet paper is dry and can irritate the swollen veins. There’s a chance that a few bits may stay. To prevent this, you should use hemorrhoid wipes instead. These wipes are soft and moist. They contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that reduce the swelling. You should always carry some with you when you use the washroom. You can also use baby hand wipes if you don’t have hemorrhoid wipes.

Carry Hemorrhoid Cream

You should also carry an anorectal cream with you so that you don’t miss a dose. Like wipes, these creams contain anti-inflammatory ingredients to soothe the pain and reduce the swelling. You usually need to apply the cream twice or thrice a day daily for a week to see some effect. You can carry a small tube if you want to be discreet about your condition.

Stretch Every Hour

Sitting still for too long can strain your rectal region’s mucus lining and increase the swelling. But you may have to sit for long hours if you have a desk job. Stand up and stretch every hour or so. Walk to your colleagues instead of pinging them. Ask for a standing desk if possible. 

Go To The Washroom When You Need To

If you hold the stool in, it will become harder and dryer which will cause your bowels to strain to push them out. You should prevent this by using the washroom when you need to. Excuse yourself from whatever task or meeting you have and answer the urge. You should apply hemorrhoid cream after using the toilet because you may need to wait after applying it.

Get Out Of Toilet After Fifteen Minutes

Sitting on the toilet seat for more than fifteen minutes strain the swollen veins. You should get up after fifteen minutes to prevent this. Do not use the smartphone so that you can keep track of the time you spend inside the toilet.

Sit On Soft Cushion

A soft cushion will create less strain than a hard seat. Some cushions come with slots for cold compresses that will help you cope with flare-ups during work hours.

Avoid Foods That Cause Constipation

Constipation makes it hard to pass stool and strains piles. So, it’s important to prevent constipation when you have piles. Avoid fast food, processed grain, red meat, coffee, beer, etc. until you are okay.

Eat Fiber-Rich Food

Fibers move the food through the digestive tract and soften the stool, thus playing an important role in preventing constipation. Your lunchbox should have fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. you can have fiber supplements if you need to.

Eat Yogurt

While you might want to stay clear of milk products, you can make an exception for yogurt, kefir or curd. These milk products are rich in probiotics (good bacteria and yeast) that promote gut health. You can include some in your tiffin or order some from your cafeteria.

Stay Hydrated

Water softens the stool and breaks food down, thus plays an important role in digestive health. You should drink water whenever you feel thirsty. You can also drink fresh juice or soup. Always carry a water bottle with you.

You should be able to manage your piles with the help of anorectal cream while going to the office regularly. You should see a doctor if the symptoms don’t subside after a week or worsen.


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