Pros and Cons Of Hardwood Flooring You Should Know

Walking into a house and spotting wooden flooring always gives us a warm feeling. Such is the effect wood has on us, be it furniture, floors or any other things you can fashion out of it. Hardwood flooring is a sought after option but before you start your flooring installation in Parker or anywhere else for that matter, read on below.


Appealing surface
Wood always exuberates a warm vibe and is easy to walk on without shoes. It also adds to the room’s beauty and decor in more ways than one with various types and finishes lending a helping hand in offering various design options to the homeowner. They can customize or add to the room accordingly

Resilient than other options
It might not be as soft as a carpet, but it is certainly a lot warmer than tiles and stone. To better utilize the space, area rugs can also be used to further highlight certain spaces better and help shift the focus there. Installing hardwood flooring is always a good option.

Increases property value
This is a no brainer and will, of course, add some extra value to the property. Wood isn’t a cheap option and if you do decide to go with it, it will definitely pay dividends if the scenario arises where you wish to sell the property and it will earn you some extra cash in the process.

Extremely durable
Wood if maintained properly over the years will show you its shine and quality. Since it is durable you can rest assured that it will have a long shelf life, enough to get you your money’s worth and then some. For example, getting hardwood flooring installation in Parker is always advantageous since wood is sought after and will definitely gather eyeballs and help raise the price of the property.

Once the wood has fulfilled its purpose, it can be sent you places that have used for second-hand ad worn off the wood. If not, then putting in a landfill is also an option since it will break down easily over time and not pollute its surroundings. This option is not only good for the house but is eco-friendly at the same thereby not polluting the environment in the process when its work is done.

No allergies
Since it is easy to clean, hardwood is a viable option for those suffering from dust, pollen, and other such allergies. This will help remove any possible scenarios where you can get an allergic reaction and go through some discomfort in the process.


Heavy maintenance
Wood is beautiful to look at and certainly pairs up nicely with most decor options out there or what you might think of. But to keep it that way you need regular maintenance of it to prevent any damage from the environment or people alike and be careful of what you keep on it so as to not chip or crack it in any way.

Expensive option
Hardwood certainly comes on the expensive side of the spectrum when it comes to flooring options. When opting for this option keep in mind that you will need to factor in the installation as well as maintenance of it, something which is not a one time expense like installation and the wood itself. This option should be taken by people who can easily maintain the shine and quality of the wood over the years and keep it in top shape by regular maintenance.

No insulation available
Walking on wood will cause noises and other irritating sounds. Wood cannot absorb any noise or dampen it in any way since it has no dampening properties which when regularly walked on can irritate the people and inhabitants so choose carefully.

Harder than some surfaces
Hardwood is harder and carpet and even cork. Children or senior citizens run the risk of injuring themselves if they fall on this surface. Hence it is advised to not get it installed in rooms where you run the risk of slipping or any such activity that can cause you to fall or damage or injure yourself or someone else.


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